

Buying power: The largest possible position size a trader can have in a given market with their corresponding available balance.

Available balance: The assets deposited in a trader's InfinityPools wallet that can be used to open a trading position in a given market.

Funding rate: The rate paid every 3 hours by traders to keep their positions open.

Estimated time left: Estimated amount of time a given trading position can stay open if the current price and interest rates stay the same.

Unwind price: Price at which a trading position will no longer renew. In other words, the position may unwind soon or immediately based on the selected leverage.

Execution price: Price at which a trader would enter or exit a trading position.

Market impact: The impact a trader's order has on the market's pool price.

Liquidity provisioning

Wallet balance: The assets inside a trader's main wallet that can be used for liquidity provisioning.

InfinityPools balance: The assets inside a trader's InfinityPools wallet that can be used for liquidity provisioning.

Price range: The range of prices across which a liquidity provider deploys their assets. The deployed assets can be borrowed or used for spot swaps at the given prices.

Claimed fees: The fees generated by providing liquidity that have been withdrawn from InfinityPools.

Unclaimed fees: The fees generated by providing liquidity that are currently idle in InfinityPools.

Historical 7D APR: The total annual percentage yield paid to liquidity providers in the given market & price range over the last seven days.

Utilization rate: The percentage of liquidity in the given market & price range that is currently on loan.

Last updated